tactile therapy
hi there, thanks for visiting our events page.
This is a brand new feature of our recently radically renovated website. It's still under development and will be up and running soon.
In the meantime, the buttons above give an idea of the kinds of events that we currently participate in and are available for bookings. You can choose which treatment or treatments you'd like to have offered at your event - reflexology, Indian head massage, or both.
If you're interested in engaging with us for your event, please get in touch using the form below, or by sending an email to hello@tactiletherapy.co.nz
"If you don't look after your body, where are you going to live
when you're older?"
Mark Glover
We'd love to hear from you as to what, when and where* your event is, so that we can work out if we'd be a great match.
*Auckland events are preferable, but we'd definitely consider travelling.
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